The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) in the global ‘trade’ policy of the U.S.
Raúl Fernández
The so-called free trade agreements have been characterized by the secrecy with which they are negotiated, and the level of secrecy that surrounds them has increased with each new treaty: NAFTA was negotiated very “discreetly,” CAFTA even more so, the US-Colombia FTA broke the previous record, and the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), currently being negotiated, has maintained almost absolute secrecy with respect to the details of its content and the negotiations.
This should come as no surprise because each new agreement that is signed becomes more and more damaging to national economies, with more rules for everything, from the price of medicine to the quality of food, ever more restrictive limits that reduce the capacity of governments to implement public policies of social benefit, more rights conceded to multinational corporations to challenge policies on patents, and an ever expanding power that permits “investors” to take sovereign governments to “trial” for supposed violations of their rights. In all aspects the TPP appears to go even further than all the previous agreements, which is why it has been referred to as “NAFTA on steroids.”
Estados Unidos debe respetar gobierno constitucional
de Venezuela
Raúl Fernández y Dan
Febrero 24, 2014
A 20 años de
Colombia Report,
January 15, 2014
Se prenden las alarmas sobre la economía
Jorge E. Robledo
Bogotá, octubre 26,
Illegal land purchases by Cargill
Oxfam, setiembre 23, 2013
Ill |
Opponents of "free trade" receive death threats
Editorial, Colombia
Report, September 14, 2013
August 27, 2013
Colombia Uprising: Is This What "Free Trade" Looks Like?
Colombian farmers are dumping tons of oranges onto highways. Roadways have been blocked throughout the country. Hundreds of thousands of Colombian protestors are risking rubber bullets and even live ammunition to take to the streets.
Is this what “free trade” looks like?
Unfair trade is one of the rallying cries of the underreported protests currently wracking Colombia. Protesting groups are asking the Colombian government (among other things) to suspend and renegotiate the U.S.-Colombia “Free Trade” Agreement (FTA). Thanks largely to the FTA, which took effect in May 2012, highly-subsidized U.S. agricultural products have started to swamp Colombia’s small-scale farmers, contributing to their displacement, the deterioration of livelihoods across Colombia, and the loss of the country’s food security.
Before the FTA was passed, Colombia’s own Minister of Agriculture predicted a miserable outcome for the country’s farmers. He warned that if the asymmetric deal took effect, Colombian farmers “would have no more than three options: Flickr user Marcha Patriótica Independencia 2migration to the cities or other countries (especially the United States or bordering countries), leaving to work in drug cultivation zones, or affiliating with illegal armed groups.” Not content to accept any of those three fates, Colombia’s farmers are now making their voices heard.
For an on-the-ground perspective on the FTA-fed tumult in Colombia, Julia Duranti of Witness for Peace’s team in Colombia offers this guest post:
A Struggle for Survival in Colombia’s Countryside
Julia Duranti, Witness for Peace Colombia International Team
Though you wouldn’t know it from most English-language media or from heads of state, last week tensions in Colombia’s countryside came to a head. But not between the military and armed groups like the FARC, the usual suspects in foreign reporting on Colombia. The source of this uprising lies in policies not up for discussion in the country’s current peace talks: the impact of the U.S.-Colombia FTA – implemented in May 2012 – and policies that have similarly afflicted Colombian campesinos (small-scale farmers).
Colombia’s campesinoslaunched the protests – which have overtaken the nation – because they perceive the FTA, and policies like it, to be a threat not just to their production, but their very existence.
The National Grassroots and Agrarian Strike began on August 19 when over 200,000 potato, rice, fruit, coffee, dairy and livestock farmers; miners; truck-drivers; teachers; healthcare workers; and students left their work activities and blocked roadways in 30 key corridors around the country, with the provinces of Boyacá, Valle del Cauca and Nariño being most affected.
The diverse protesters’ list of demands includes suspension and renegotiation of the U.S.-Colombia FTA, financial and political support for agricultural production, access to land, recognition of campesino, indigenous and Afro-descendant territories, the ability to practice small-scale mining, the guarantees of political rights of rural communities, and social investment in rural areas, including in education, healthcare, housing and infrastructure.
Along with roadblocks and marches, in symbolic acts intended to express their inability to earn a living and their frustration at government inertia, dairy farmers in Boyacá poured out over 6,000 liters of milk while citrus farmers in Valle del Cauca dumped 5,000 tons of oranges onto the highway.
What could possibly bring farmers to willingly destroy their own products?Campesino livelihoods have been devastated, a process that began with economic liberalization under President Cesár Gaviria in the early 1990’s and continued with a host of Colombian laws that cleared the way for the U.S-Colombia FTA. Then came the FTA itself. Just over a year old, the deal is already taking its predicted toll on Colombia’s countryside. An FTA-enabled influx of heavily-subsidized U.S. products has contributed to the breakdown of Colombia’s local economies and the displacement of its farmers, fueling the urgency of the current protests.
Despite promises of more jobs and increased exports, the balance after year one of the U.S.-Colombia FTA is dismal for Colombia. According to Colombian paper El Espectador, Colombia’s exports to the U.S. actually fell 4.5% between May 2012 and March 2013, while Colombia’s imports from the U.S. rose 19.7%. In the agroindustrial sector on which many Colombians depend for their livelihood, U.S. imports from Colombia rose 11.5%, but Colombian imports from the U.S. skyrocketed 70%. An economic study conducted prior to the FTA’s passage predicted that just such a scenario would lead to income losses of up to 70% for the vast majority of Colombia’s farmers, contributing to their displacement.
It is not only that strikers feel they cannot compete with heavily-subsidized U.S. production: they are actually prohibited from doing so. The FTA prohibits the Colombian government from subsidizing agriculture for export or domestic consumption, even as the U.S. government subsidizes U.S. agribusinesses to the tune of $15 billion each year.
Along with the FTA came Colombian laws that cleared the way for the deal’s implementation and that similarly plagued campesinos. These include:
- Prohibition of the production, marketing and consumption of panela, a semi-refined sugar that is a Colombian staple (Resolutions 002546 of 2004 and 0779 of 2006)
- Prohibition of the sale of raw milk (Decree 2838 of 2006)
- Limits on the ability of small-scale farmers to raise and slaughter cattle (Decree 1500 of 2007)
- Prohibition of the production and marketing of heritage-breed chickens (Resolution 000957 of 2008)
- Controls on the production, use and marketing of all seeds in the country (Resolution 970 of 2010)
- Expansion of intellectual property rights to include seeds (Law 1518 of 2012).
All of these laws favor large-scale industrial production over small-scale producers that do not have the resources to comply with such regulations.Campesinos are incredulous: “When we produce things like milk or chickens for our communities, of course we ensure that those products are safe because our families are the ones consuming them. It is an economy based on trust. But these new laws destroy that,” expressed one community member in Cauca to a recent Witness for Peace delegation.
Whereas Colombia used to meet its food production needs internally, it is now importing food, including the coffee for which it is so famous. The “mining engine” promoted by the Santos administration as a mechanism for economic growth focuses entirely on resource extraction to generate wealth, using the profits to import almost everything else. This includes replacing land that was previously used for food cultivation with palm oil and sugarcane monoculture for biofuel production. Left landless and without their livelihoods, rural communities are forced to migrate to cities, where they face urban poverty and social breakdown.
Protestors and their allies recognize that the effects of such policies are not confined to rural areas and that they are already spreading to Colombia’s working class and urban dwellers as well. In a march of solidarity through the capital of Bogotá on Sunday, protestors carried signs defending food security, small-scale producers, and Colombia’s national sovereignty, chanting, “Amigo mirón, únase al montón. Su abuelo es campesino y usted trabajador.” “Bystander, join the struggle! Your grandfather was a farmer and you are a worker,” and, “Queremos papa. Queremos maiz. Multinacionales fuera del pais.” “We want potatoes, we want corn—multinationals, get out of our country.” They made their way peacefully to the central Plaza de Bolívar to share their message with their government, a government that wants to pretend that they don’t exist.
In spite of President Juan Manuel Santos’s claim on August 25 that “the supposed agricultural strike doesn’t exist,” since day one of the protest his administration has met peaceful protestors with extreme repression by the Army, police and anti-riot police (ESMAD). Reports indicate that clashes between protestors and public security forces have claimed five lives, wounded hundreds on both sides and led to over 175 arrests, including four human rights workers and six journalists, who had their equipment confiscated.
Protestors have been fired upon by public security forces using rubber bullets and even, in some cases, live ammunition. Police forces have also fired tear gas at protestors, including from helicopters. Protestors have been threatened, intimidated and had their food supplies stolen by police, who have used broad interpretations of anti-terrorism legislation passed two years ago to detain demonstrators on public roadways on the basis of anything from disrupting public order to terrorism. Predictably, Defense Minister Juan Carlos Pinzónclaimed the strike has been infiltrated by the FARC.
The government’s response has been incoherent – attempting to paint the strike as simultaneously nonexistent yet infiltrated by terrorists, as insignificant yet necessitating 16,000 troops in full riot gear using brutal repression tactics. Meanwhile, the government has so far ignored the calls of coordinators for national-level negotiations related to economic and agricultural policy. The government has extended some offers of negotiation at the local level, as in the provinces of Cauca and Boyacá, only under the condition that protestors remove their roadblocks. But protestors, weary of similar offers made in the past that were not followed through, refuse. As potato farmer Cesár Pachón said, “We’re not asking for more money. We’re asking for conditions and agricultural policies that allow us to survive.”
The current strike, therefore, represents more than a demand for agricultural subsidies or protections for certain industries. It is a response to a neoliberal model whose relentless crusade for natural resources and whose stark social inequalities are at the heart of Colombia’s conflict; a response to a model that has no room for the small-scale production that defines the livelihoods of campesinos.
PUBLICCITIZEN: Eyes on Trade Andean and Panama FTAs | Permalink
Libre comercio causa crisis agraria
setiembre 9, 2013
Comunicado de Dignidad Agropecuaria
setiembre 3, 2013
Apoyo internacional al paro
agosto 28, 2013
Si usted fuera
Daniel Samper Pizano
El Espectador, agosto 24,
Santos on the rampage
Editorial Colombia Report
August 7, 2013
Furia desmedida de Santos
Editorial Colombia Report
Agosto 7, 2013
Reforma Migratoria en USA: Una ley militarista,
punitiva y antilaboral
Raúl Fernández
Junio 19, 1023
Ambassador Urrutia's Dirty Tricks
June 16, 2013
La Economía Mundial
Raúl Fernández,
Deslinde No. 52
Paz y justicia social
Enrique Daza, Deslinde
No. 52, Editorial
Polo ratifica respaldo al proceso de paz
Abril 5, 2013
Paro contra modelo neoliberal
Sinaltrainal, Febrero
26, 2013
Por qué el Paro Cafetero
Laura Gutiérrez Escobar,
Febrero 23, 2013
TLC con Corea otro atentado a la industria nacional
Centrales obreras,
Febrero 19, 2013
Cincuentenario de Benny Moré
Febrero 19, 2013
Drummond no es como lo pintan, es peor
Guillermo Alejandro
Febrero 8, 2013
Sobre las negociaciones en La Habana
Jorge Robledo, enero
18, 2013
Movimientos telúricos globales en el 2013
Raúl Zibechi, enero
2, 2013
Declaración de la V Cumbre de los Pueblos
Cartagena, abril 15,
Convocatoria a Cumbre de Cartagena
RECALCA, febrero 13,
Sobre la restitución de tierras
Jorge Robledo,
febrero 12, 2012
Victoria en Marmato
Diciembre 26, 2011
Summit in Cartagena
Diciembre 2011
¡Lo Logramos!
Emilio Sardi, 19 octubre, 2011
Carta from Senator Robledo to Pacific Rubiales
Sept 1, 2011
Santos el pastorcito
Recalca, Julio 4, 2011
Statement by Mingas on Obama-Santos Plan
May 12, 2011
Letter to Senators Baucus and Kerry
ASOCOL, May 9, 2011
CUT Statement on the Obama-Santos Action Plan
May 5, 2011
Pronunciamiento ante el pacto Obama-Santos
Recalca, 7 de abril, 2011
Triunfa movilización
contra proyecto minero en Santurbán
RECALCA, Marzo 17, 2011
Indagación sobre número
de base militares
Carta de Jorge
Robledo, Marzo 14, 2011
On the situation in Egypt
February 7, 2011
The Korea FTA: a clone of NAFTA
Asocol, January 31, 2011
Las rodilleras de Angelino Garzón
Recalca, Jan 29,
Jorge Robledo condemns coercive measures against
December 22, 2010
Hemispheric Day of Action Against Foreign Military
December 10, 2010
Mingas Statement about Nov 2 elections in U.S.
October 25, 2010
Contra Uribe en Georgetown University
Setiembre 29, 2010
Lucha contra bases continúa
Coalición No Bases,
setiembre 18, 2010
More on Obama and "free trade" (Spanish)
Raul Fernandez, August 10, 2010
Militarization in Costa Rica alert
July 17, 2010
Obama: "free trade" and military escalation
Raul Fernandez, July 15, 2010
Points of Unity
Continental campaign against military bases
US Working Group
June 23, 2010
in Colombia: the truth about Mockus
RECALCA, June 15th, 2010
CUT-RECALCA letter to Canada's Parliament (English)
May 2, 2010
Statement about Arizona legislation
Jorge Enrique Robledo, Bogotá,
Abril 28, 2010
Militarizing Latin America
Noam Chomsky,
Orinoco Internacional, March 24, 2010
U.S bases rattle the region
Ben Dangl, The
Progressive, March 10, 2010
¿Negocios por derechos humanos en la Unión Europea?
Jorge Enrique
Robledo, 15 de febrero de 2010
Letter from Mingas to President Obama
February 10, 2010
Una región de
paz--Fuera Bases!
Alianza Social
Porto Alegre,
febrero 3, 2010
Un portaaviones llamado Haití
Raúl Zibechi,
febrero 1, 2010
A new Monroe doctrine
The Nation, January
21, 2010
Senator Robledo accuses Inspector General of
of the Justice
System (Original
Spanish version)
Bogotá, December 18,
Ex-Presidente Samper sobre bases militares
El País, noviembre
11, 2009
Verdaderas Intenciones del Acuerdo Militar con EE UU
Eva Golinger,
noviembre 5, 2009
Margarita Vidal entrevista a Jorge Robledo
October 7, 2009
Soledad en UNASUR y resistencia al referendo
Jorge Robledo,
Bogotá, 4 de setiembre, 2009
Soberanía colombiana un chiste
Noam Chomsky, August
29, 2009
Mingas-FTA letter to Obama and H. Clinton
August 11, 2009
¿Obama ya está pelando el cobre?
Eduardo García
La Patria,
Manizalez, 26 de julio, 2009
Sobre las bases militares de EE UU en Colombia
Senator Jorge Robledo, Bogotá,
July 11, 2009
I will not be silenced
Senator Jorge Robledo, June 11, 2009
Uribe's Sons Illicit Profits: The role of Colombia's
Senator Jorge Robledo, June 1, 2009
Organizaciones Sociales contra TLC con Europa
Mayo 6, 2009
Centrales Sindicales contra TLC con Europa
Medellín, Mayo 5,
el TLC con Panamá
Carta de Mingas,
Mayo, 2009
Epidemia de lucro
La Jornada, Abril 29, 2009
Letter from Mingas-TLC to Canadian Parliament
April 19, 2009
Para comprender el Plan Colombia
Bogotá, Abril 3,
De consentida a despechada
Claudia López, El
Tiempo, Marzo 17, 2009
la situación nacional e
CUT, Marzo 5-6, 2009
War on the social movements
Justin Podur, March 6, 2009
TLC with EU worse than the one with the US
Jorge Robledo, February 19, 2009
Gobierno reconoce que el TLC favorece a Estados
Recalca, Febrero 16, 2009
La gran minería del oro
golpea a Marmato
Jorge Robledo, 16 de enero de 2009
Entrevista con Jorge Robledo
Narconews, January 12, 2009
Qué cesen los
ataques contra indígenas
Recalca, Diciembre
17, 2008
ASC ante crisis financiera
Noviembre 26, 2008
AFL-CIO on the violence in Colombia
November 22, 2008
Humanitarian Situation in Colombian worsens
Attachment to Pelosi
November 20, 2008
Carta a Pelosi
November 20, 2008
Ecuador Decide
Alianza Social
Continental, Nov 15, 2008
Colombia's Indigenous March
COHA, Nov 7, 2008
La seguridad democrática no lo es
Jorge Robledo,
Bogotá, Nov 6, 2008
March ends in Cali, but...
Alliance for
Responsible Trade, Oct 27, 2008
Buscando el exterminio de los indígenas
Aurelio Suárez,
Octubre 21, 2008
Statement on Sugarcane Workers Strike
President Sweeney of
Oct 21, 2008
Así vamos trabajando la agenda
ACIN, Octubre 20,
Gobierno reprime con brutalidad a indígenas
Recalca, Octubre 14,
Solidaridad con los corteros
Recalca, Oct 7, 2008
Slavery Sugarworkers Rebel
La Chiva, Oct 4,
Represión contra luchas sociales
Popayán, Septiembre
28, 2008
Se acabó el mercado
Daniel Samper, El
Septiembre 23, 2008
Justice Minister Valencia should resign
Jorge Robledo,
September 18, 2008
Colombian General Ties to Death Squads
Washington Post,
September 17, 2008
Corteros de caña en peligro
Palmira, Setiembre
15, 2008
CUT respalda corteros
Bogotá, Setiembre
Trabajadores Respaldan Oposición a Uribe
Juan C. Hurtado,
Bogotá, Agosto 27, 2008
¿Uno o dos
Carlos Gaviria, Agosto 15-28
Apoyo a indígenas del
RECALCA, 15 de
agosto, 2008
Un crimen cultural
Antonio Caballero
Semana 7/26/08
Bush elogia a Uribe
Recalca, Julio 23, 2008
Sobre el asunto de la leche cruda
Dilberto Trujillo D.
El Tiempo, Julio 24, 2008
Statement by CUT on Drummond Strike
July 21, 2008
McCain no es bienvenido
Recalca, Junio 29, 2008
McCain Misguided Trip
COHA, June 27th,
¿Qué pasa en el campo?
Aurelio Suárez
El Tiempo, Junio 11,
Condenan USA subsidios
El Espectador, Junio
2, 2008
Unasur debe fortalecer la integración
Recalca, Mayo 28,
Letter to Congressional Leaders
Bogotá, mayo 6 de
Guillermo Maya M.
El Tiempo, mayo 5 de
Hambruna y "libre comercio"
Senador Jorge
Enrique Robledo
Bogotá, 2 de mayo de
La verdadera vulnerabilidad alimenticia de Colombia
Aurelio Suárez
La Tarde, Pereira,
Doublespeak and "Free Trade"
Raúl Fernández and
Daniel Whitesell
April 25, 2008
TLC: Todos limosnearemos comida
Daniel Samper
Pizano, El Tiempo, abril 9 de 2008
Just Say No to Colombia FTA
Common Dreams, April
2, 2008
Lamentables Condiciones Laborales en Colombia
1, 2008
Carta de Gaviria a Pelosi, Reid, Obama y Clinton
Marzo 24, 2008
Sobre el TLC con Colombia |
Enrique Daza, Marzo
17 de 2008
TLC y "Seguridad Nacional"
Recalca, Marzo
Declaración sobre crisis regional
Bancada, PDA, Marzo
Sobre la crisis regional
PDA, Marzo2/2008
Declaración Nacional
PDA, Marzo 2/2008
TLC y Uribe nuevamente en problemas
RECALCA, Febrero
US unionists alarmed by Colombian woes
Associated Press,
Feb 13/2008
Los desplazados en Colombia
El Nuevo Siglo,
Febrero 7/2008
Afrocolombianos against the FTA
Febrero 7/2008
Solidaridad con la Corte Suprema
PDA, Bogotá, 23
Sobre visita de C. Rice a Colombia
Recalca, 24
Corte Constitucional tumba ley forestal
El Espectador, 23
enero/ 2008
Por qué desplazan a Marmato
Jorge Robledo, Enero
Letter to Canadian Parliament
From U.S.
congressional members
TLC sigue enredado
Recalca, 18 de
Stiglitz contra el "modelo"
IPS Noticias,
Diciembre 19, 2007
Chicago Group Challenges Obama
Chicago Trade With
Justice Working Group, Dec 15/07
Sobre los agrocombustibles
Senador Jorge E.
Bogotá, Diciembre 5,
Teamsters President condemns Peru FTA
Int'l Brotherhood of
Teamsters, Dec 4/2007
Dos años del PDA
Bogotá, Noviembre
29, 2007
Llamado a liberar secuestrados
PDA, Noviembre 30,
Contra el secuestro
Senador Jorge E.
Bogotá, Noviembre
30, 2007
The POLO against Uribe's "false positives"
Bogota, Noviembre
19, 2007
Carta de Centrales Obreras de Colombia al congreso
de USA sobre el TLC
Noviembre 19, 2007
Los negocios de los negociadores...del TLC
Senador Jorge
Robledo, Bogotá, Noviembre 19, 2007
Manifiesto de Santiago
Noviembre 13, 2007
La obstinación del gobierno
Recalca, Noviembre
1, 2007
Edwards' Statement on Peru FTA (Spanish)
October 27, 2007
Políticas de Estado Policíaco
Ramiro Bejarano
El Espectador, Oct
México:ASPAN peor que NAFTA
Entrevista a Alberto
Arroyo, 20/10/07
La Pobreza en Colombia
Argenpress, 20/10/07
Abandono del Campo en Latinoamérica
Editorial La
Jornada, 21/10/07
On the CAFTA referendum in Costa Rica
Public Citizen, Oct
Costa Rica CAFTA Referendum Questioned
Alliance for
Responsible Trade, Oct 8/07
Death threats against U.S. journalist
El Nuevo Herald
(Miami), Oct 7/07
On Uribe's Ties to Drug Kingpin Pablo Escobar
New York Times,
October 3, 2007
Contra el TLC con la UE
Recalca, Bogotá,
Setiembre 20, 2007
Sobre la unidad del Polo
Jorge Enrique
Robledo, Setiembre 21/2007
Declaración del Polo
Setiembre 20/2007
El Tiempo entrevista al Senador Robledo
Bogotá, Setiembre
Pro-Free Trade U.S. Congressional Visit to Colombia
Recalca, Bogotá,
Setiembre 12/07
Uribe leads the cover-up
PDA, September
El TLC empeora
Recalca, Agosto
Por los derechos de las mujeres
Mujeres PDA, Agosto
de 2007
Letter to Uribe
John J. Sweeney,
President, AFL-CIO
August 16/2007
No Todos Se Unen
Carlos Salamanca
El Diario/La Prensa,
Nueva York, 5/Agosto/07
Cinco años de Uribe
Reinaldo Spitaletta
El Espectador,
Declaración de la Corte Suprema de Justicia
Bogotá, 3/08/07
Abuchean a Uribe
La Jornada, 3/08/07
¿A cambio de qué la impunidad?
Claudia López, El
Tiempo, Julio 30/07
La columna gelatinosa de Uribe |
Jorge Robledo, Julio 24/2007
Nos declaramos en resistencia civil
1er Encuentro Nacional Agrominero interétnico
Bogotá, Julio
Toda la verdad, todas las garantías,
toda la democracia
Polo Democrático
Alternativo, Junio 19/07
Alianza de Monsanto y Uribe
Aurelio Suárez, La
Tarde, Julio 17/07
Fracaso rotundo del gobierno en el TLC
Recalca, Julio 4/ 2007
No hubo TLC "rapidito"
El Siglo, Julio
House Democrats against Colombia FTA
Washington, D.C.,
June 29/07
¿Es inútil la dignidad?
Jorge Robledo, Junio
28, 2007
US Latino Leaders against FTAs
June 27, 2007
Comunicado sobre muerte de diputados
PDA, Junio 30/ 2007
Crítica a carta de
Oscar Collazos, El
Tiempo, Junio 28/07
Colombia's Para-Political Scandal
CBC-Canada, June 18, 2007
TLC y progreso incompatibles
Senador Jorge Robledo
Plenaria del Senado
Mayo 16, 2007
Carta de intelectuales por la paz
Medellín, Junio 13,
Sindicatos de USA contra el TLC
Junio 11, 2007
Sobre la educación y la
Sen. Jorge Robledo, PDA, mayo 31/07
El FMI, la juventud y las "transferencias"
Aurelio Suárez, La
Tarde, mayo 30/07
Trading Secrets
Amy Goodman
Truthdig, May 22/2007
Una propuesta indigna
María Jimena Duzán
El Tiempo, Mayo
Denuncia de Martin Tengana
Washington, Mayo 24/2007
The secret "deal" and agriculture
R. Dennis Olson and Alexandra Spieldoch
May 21, 2007
Harper's John R. MacArthur on the FTAS
Bill Moyers, May 11, 2007
AfroColombians Displaced
David Bacon, Colorlines, May/June 2007
A Uribe le fue mal, a Colombia bien
Recalca, 10 de mayo, 2007
Uribe siente pasos de animal grande
Senador Jorge Robledo
Bogotá, 4 de mayo,
No al TLC y a sus enmiendas
PDA, Abril 28, 2007
Just Say "No" to Colombian FTA
April 23, 2007
Letter from Colombian organizations to U.S. Congress
Bogotá, Abril 19,
Anticipos del TLC
Eduardo Sarmiento, El Espectador, Abril 14, 2007
FTA cannot be salvaged
Jorge Robledo, April 5, 2007
El hambre acosa niños
Semana, Abril 8/2007